Tab King USA Teams Up with Northeast Moose Association

Anchorage, AK April 26, 2019 – Tab King USA a leading provider of fraternal POS & lodge management systems in the U.S. has partnered with the Northeast Moose Association to develop a robust fraternal Moose lodge management system.  “We understand all the business challenges with regards to running a moose lodge; and membership management is at the core of any great fraternal organization.” Stated Mark Lambert V.P. of Fraternal Sales.  Tab King has been working with the Northeast Moose Association’s V.P. Dan Companion on the initial business requirements; Companion knows how critical it is to have a solid fraternal management system in place to move the fraternity to the next level for its membership.  “Technology is driving most businesses today in the 21st century and potential members are going to expect a first-class experience in a modern-day lodge.” states Companion.  “Plus, we need to help administrators with all the duties and responsibilities that come with running a successful moose lodge.” 

Membership recognition and rewards are at the top of the initial enhancements list; it is crucial that the system is built around membership management and retention.  Getting members to value their membership by showing their moose card will be a key business requirement; and lodges will be able to fully engage members with rewards, easy signups to participate in lodge raffles and charitable gaming promotions; along with special member recognition for higher degrees of the order.  Membership is what differentiates the Moose from public businesses that compete in the same business space.

QuickBooks integration is another key business requirement of the system. Administrators spend a lot of time having to enter transactions into QuickBooks and Tab King knows that today’s technology can make this a more seamless and integrated process. 

Tab King is excited to work with the Northeast Moose Association lodges and we look forward to this partnership.

In 2016, Tab King began building software around the bar, restaurant, pull tab and bingo hall industries; however, realized that fraternal organizations have unique business practices to which technology can help solve many of these modern-day business challenges.  

For more information about the Moose lodge membership and rewards program visit

For More Information regarding this initiative contact:


Dan Companion
Vice President & Membership Chair
Northeast Moose Association


Mark Lambert
V.P. of Fraternal Sales
Tab King USA

Moose Lodge Membership Card Check-In and Achievement Recognition


Lifetime Member

Moose lodges like many fraternal organizations offer lifetime membership for purchase by members who are committed to the mission of the Order of the Moose or as a reward to members who have demonstrated the highest levels of service. By recognizing these individuals we honor them for their commitment and dedication.

Current Member

Individuals who have worked hard to invest the time and financial resources to keep their membership current, perform community service, or achieve higher degrees of the order should be celebrated. Recognition of member’s commitment to the lodge and their local community makes members proud to present their membership card.

Membership Expiring Soon

One of the largest challenges of fraternal organizations is membership renewal. In today’s fast paced world it can be hard for even dedicated members to keep up. With notifications of membership that is expiring soon, lodges can facilitate renewals for members before any lapse in their membership.

Membership Expired

Fraternal organizations are membership organizations. Lodges must diligently ensure customers are members in good standing to protect the special rights and privileges granted to their organization. Swiping a member’s Moose membership card is the fastest way to ensure their membership is in good standing and easily renew memberships which have expired.